Cost of pack of cigarettes 2011

07.12.2007 · Best Answer: The average cost of a pack of cigarettes is about seven years off of ones life. The chance of giving second hand smoke lung diseases to their
the average pack of smokes cost's between ten and thirteen dollar's depending on the brand.

51. West Virginia: $4.74 50. Louisiana: $4.82 49. North Dakota: $4.91 48. Kentucky: $4.97 47. Idaho: $4.99 46. California: $5.19 45. Alabama: $5.27 44.
How much does an average pack of.
How much does a pack of cigarettes cost? of cigarettes heavily. A pack of cigarettes in New York City costs an additional $4.25 per pack in city
Cost of pack of cigarettes 2011
What A Pack Of Cigarettes Costs, State By.What Does A Pack Of Cigarettes Cost In.
Last summer, we checked the price of cigarettes state by state and in D.C. Here's how prices have increased and decreased since then. 51. West Virginia
23.03.2011 · Five years ago the average price of a pack of cigarettes was £4.64, suggesting the cost of smoking has increased by nearly 50 per cent over the last five
Cost of pack of cigarettes 2011
How much does 1 pack of cigarettes cost.
How much does a pack of 20 (cigarettes).
What A Pack Of Cigarettes Costs, State By. .