Small spot blood on paper after poo

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Small spot blood on paper after poo
Paper Spot bei Amazon.deSmall spot blood on paper after poo
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Small amount of blood in stool? - Yahoo!.
The Editor-in-Chief has granted immediate free access to the articles below: Clinical experience with fetal hemoglobin induction therapy in
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Blood in stool (poo): Causes and.
Blood in the stool (poo) can be frightening, whether you discover it while wiping after a bowel movement or from a test arranged by your GP. Learn about causes and
Pool of fresh blood in toilet and tissue.
I am now seeing a pool of fresh red blood and sometimes fresh maroon blood in the toilet with every bowel movement. It's frightening to say the least.
06.12.2008 · A few months ago, I passed a stool that had blood on it, in the water and streaked on the paper. I went to my Dr. and received a digital (finger) exam.